Serving Piece Solutions

With warm weather approaching, I can’t think of a better time to discuss serving piece solutions. For easy, foolproof entertaining, stock up on all of these items now.

I can’t have a party because I don’t have all the stuff.

I bet I’ve heard this a million times: “I can’t entertain because I don’t have enough plates.” Huh? Surely, in your house you can put two sets together and come up with a solution. Some restaurants mix them up on purpose. There are some really cute paper plates out there nowadays. That’s not an excuse. Sorry.

Then the next excuse I hear is “I don’t have the proper serving pieces.” I use the same key ones over and over. Look through my book if you don’t believe me.

Everyone can entertain.

Be on the lookout for these if you plan to entertain once in your lifetime. You will need them and be glad they are in the cabinet.


10 Serving Piece Solutions


  1. Two Is Better Than One: Buy two matching 3-quart bakers. I have several pairs of these. When feeding more than 8 or 10 people, you will most likely have to double a recipe. It looks prettier to have a matching pair on the buffet.
  2. Versatile Trio Dish (which I call the Ritz-Carlton Trio in Leslie’s Party Diaries, because they use a dish similar to these in their bar area while serving cocktails): For a quick emergency appetizer, you will need a dish like this. Any nibbles from the pantry can be thrown in at the last minute. I have a nice collection now. Thanks, Elizabeth.
  3. The Perfect Dip Bowl and Platter: An attractive, flat platter that comfortably holds a 2- to 3-cup bowl. You will use this all the time. Keep it handy.
  4. Grilling Platters: I love enamel or any lightweight platter for grilling. Pottery can get too heavy when going in and out to the grill.
  5. Spoons, Forks, and Spreaders: I keep mine all in one handy place in my kitchen drawer. I can easily go grab a decorative spreader or spoon. I pick these up whenever I see them, and I often give these as hostess gifts.
  6. Cutting Boards: Nothing is easier (I’m not saying it’s inexpensive, but it is quick and impressive) than pulling out a cutting board and filling it up with cheeses and other nibbles. Keep several sizes on hand, depending on the crowd you are having.
  7. Company Pot Holders and Dishtowels: Yes, hide these from your family and pull them out when company is coming.
  8. The Bread Basket and Washable Napkin Liner: Know where these are at all times. Hot bread coming out of the oven is the final dinner party step. There is no room for error here. Also, the linen should be washable and replaceable. Some biscuits and breads leave greasy, unremovable stains.
  9. The Dessert Pedestal: A store-bought cookie quickly looks more impressive on a decorative pedestal. I’ve been collecting these for years. Bring it to the dinner table, or place at the end of a buffet. For a crowd I will stack them and serve an assortment of desserts.
  10. The Everyday Object: Anything can be a serving piece as long as it’s food safe. Look around your house and use any unexpected object at your next dinner party. I once lined a wooden wine crate with parchment and served beef tenderloin, rolls, and horseradish sauce in it.

Mother’s Day Special (It’s May 13th)

Now that spring break and Easter have passed, it’s time to be thinking about Mother’s Day! For a limited time only I’ll be doing complimentary gift wrap for all website orders of Leslie’s Party Diaries. Order before April 22nd for all shipped orders. In-town delivery within Birmingham is available until May 11th.

Each book will be wrapped in a glossy white paper and topped with a bistro cotton tea towel and a set of stainless measuring spoons. Leslie’s Party Diaries also makes a great bridesmaid, wedding, hostess, and birthday gift.

Click here to shop,

I would love to hear from you. Don’t be shy about making comments or asking questions. I love getting mail! Leslie

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